Siena Donaghy
Liberator/Client Experience Team

Where are you from?



Coming from a family of hospitality experts and family run businesses I started working in hospitality when I was 15. Completing hospitality at A-Level in secondary school I came top in Northern Ireland. I then went to university to study Business and when I completed my degree I moved to Australia. I worked in the iconic Sydney opera house for a few months before relocating to Perth to start my exciting journey with Liberty.

Q & A

Your favourite quote/motto/saying?

A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures.

Little known fact about you?

I am good at accents.

Favourite Band?

Anything country.

Favourite Food?

A Roast dinner with plenty of stuffing.

Favourite Drink?

Espresso Martinis and baby Guinness.

Your passion?

Baking sweet treats.

What you love about Liberty/your job?

Liberty is a unique business that creates a fun happy environment to work in not only for their clients but also their staff. Everyone is ready and willing to help each other achieve one common goal.

If you were an animal what would you be and why?

Butterfly-always ready to break from my cocoon and try new things.

What’s your hidden talent?


What makes you laugh?

Bad jokes.

What did you last do for a customer that went the extra mile?

Bought them coffee when their card wouldn’t work.

Favourite place you have visited anywhere in the world?


Have you met anyone famous?
